Chairman:Xiaoyu(Tiger) Wang
Xiaoyu(Tiger) Wang:Founder、Chairman and CEO of SinoCampus Edu.
He was Born in 1977,Beijing, graduated from Royal Agricultural University, then started Sino Campus Edu.
He is now representing National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Educaiton(NCEE) in China, acting as CEO of NCEE(China). He was also elected as Board of Regents of Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford.
Sino Campus is the leading team of Sino-UK education service provider in the field of TNE and enterprise education programmes in China.
Vice President:Chirs Brown
Chris Brown studied Land Economy at Cambridge University from 1984-1987 and took a post-grad diploma in Agri-Business Management (AABM) from the Royal Agricultural University (RAU) in 1992.
From 1995 to 2001, Mr Brown managed a major EU-funded agri-food programme addressing structural reform in the dairy & food processing sector China, also addressing environmental concerns such as waste water pollution and smoke emissions; and assessing the likely impact of China’s WTO accession on its rural economy. From 2002 to 2005, Mr Brown was Operations Director of a major regional programme for the EU, based in Thailand, promoting partnerships between Europe and Asia in Technology, Education, Health, Environment and Governance, bringing the programme to many Asian countries including Vietnam, Pakistan, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan and Bhutan.
After Thailand, Mr Brown returned to China as Director for the EU-China Information Society project providing policy support to the Chinese Government to implement laws & regulations data protection, information security, telecoms, access to government information and online copyright issues from 2005 to 2011.
More recently, Mr Brown has been Director of the EU-China Policy Dialogues Support Facility (PDSF) in Beijing from 2012 until now, working closely with the EU and the Chinese Government to support high-level dialogues. Examples include input provided to the Conference of the Parties (COP) 21 Paris Summit on Climate Change where he worked with the EU and Chinese negotiators to reach agreement on emissions reductions and more recently on establishment of a Forum with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) on the One Belt One Road initiative. He is also on the Board of the World Internet Council (WIC) which meets annually in Wuzhen under the Cyber Administration of China (CAC).
Since 2012, Mr Brown has also been Director of the National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE) China to promote enterprise education links between UK and Chinese higher education institutions.